a report on field attachment/internship at makerere university academic registrars department (senate building) october to december 2021


Chapter one shows the meaning of internship, introduction, objectives as wellas the back ground of the organization where I worked, its nature, vision, mandate and objectives. It also indicates the brief description of the organizational culture, structure and the main activities carried out in the place of internship training. Chapter two shows my experience at the internship place for example the duties and responsibilities, supervision levels and relationship with the supervisor, training and skills acquired, working relationship with my colleagues, staff and reporting. Chapter three indicates the evaluation of the field attachment which includes the level of accomplishment of duties and responsibilities, new skills and knowledge perceived/ gained in each of the duties and responsibilities; the wonderful experiences, challenges or problems that I faced (both personal, work and organizational factors), how I overcame them plus the benefits I got from the field attachment. Chapter four shows my conclusion comprising of the strengths and weakness I realized when at work. It also contains the recommendation to strengthen internship program as part of the curriculum at Makerere University as well as improvement of professionalism at my Internship. The report contains appendices that show photos of the various activities carried out during the internship training.


Level: under-graduate

Type: reports

Year: 2021


Contributed by: libraryadmin1@2022


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