the contribution of decentralization to the realization of the right to development: a case study of soroti municipality; uganda


The study assessed the Contribution of Decentralization to the Realization of the Right to Development in Soroti Municipality. The study was motivated by the need to examine the relationship between Decentralisation and the Realization of the Right to Development which is often either overlooked or taken for granted. In some instances the right to development has been politicised thereby making it look like it’s a priviledge rather than a right. The study was guided by the following objectives; to examine the ‘State’ of Decentralization in the Realization of Right to Development in Soroti Municipality; to find out the Relationship between Decentralization and the Right to Development in Soroti Municipality; and to establish the Influence of Decentralization on the Right to Development in Soroti Municipality. The study applied a descriptive design. Data was collected from 270 respondents by use of questionnaires and interview guide. The findings of the study reveal that; there is a strong relationship between ‘state’ of Decentralization and Right to Development in Soroti Municipality; Decentralization promotes equity and equality, accountability and participation; the Structure of Decentralisation has given opportunity to the people to fully participate in the development of the Municipality compared to what it was many years ago when Central Government controlled development activities from one centre. These findings clearly showed that the tenets of human rights are recognized and implemented through innovative ways like the introduction of the Municipal Development Forum (MDF) and so every person feels they are recognised and listened to by the Technocrats and Politicians of the Municipality. The researcher recommends that; the Local Government Act and Policy should be reviewed to include the Municipality Development Forum (MDF) so that the LG planning and programming is made to fully embrace the Rights-based Approach to Development; The LG should reduce bureaucracy to serve the people better. In this day of advanced technology there is no excuse for being slow and inefficient, use of so many papers and running around for signatures to authenticate a process; Local Government should make use of technology especially social media to reach all people with information and not just pin it on the notice board in the Municipality offices. Today every Citizen has a phone so LG can send out SMS messages and or social media messages on important information or changes in the Municipality; They should also endeavour to translate for those not able to read and write English so as to be all inclusive; Central Government should harmonize all line Ministry plans and programmes with LG to avoid clandestine issuance of directives which deny the LG the opportunity to collect revenue hence reducing their revenue purse and It is also recommended that Central Government financial releases should be streamlined to cater for completion of projects so that the conflict between the public and LG officials is done away with.


Level: post-graduate

Type: dissertations

Year: 2018


Contributed by: libraryadmin1@2022


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