community adult education and the prevention of child abuse a case of myanzi sub-county, mubende district


The study set out to investigate the Community Adult Education efforts in mitigating Child Abuse in Mwanzi Sub-county. The study examined delayed effects of child abuse and neglect in the fishing villages of Mwanzi. Victims of child abuse are likely to commit crimes as juveniles and adults.The Problem of Child abuse has gone on unabated for a long time yet the perpetuators are mainly adults. The study had the following objectives: find out the relevance of adult education programs to the fishing communities of Myanzi Sub-county; 2. to determine the effectiveness of adult education in the prevention of child abuse in Myanzi Sub-county; 3. to understand whether adult education programs in place empower people to protect children against Child abuse on the fishing grounds; and 4. to examine the relationship between adult education and social harmony. The study was both qualitative and quantitative using questionnaires and interview schedules in the fishing communities in the shores of Myanzi Subcounty in the fishing communities.It covered 100 respondents living in and around Mwanzi comprising parents, children, youths, opinion leaders, business persons, teachers and workers of organizations,61% femaleand 39% male. The study found out that about the empowerment of their communities were optimistic and open to the development. Community education programs have empowered parents to talk to their children on matters of sex education. The study concluded that Adult education programs had provided knowledge, skills and attitude relevant to the development of children, parents and the entire community around the shores of Myanzi Subcounty. Income Generating Activities (IGAs) were emphasized to help people remain occupied and shun child abuse in the communities. It recommends that parents and others should have a collective responsibility over children in the community. Child protection units should be established and strengthened at lower levels. Reasonable funds should be allocated to such units as facilitation of their activities in the community.There is need to strengthen the fishing policy to inhibit children under the age of 18 years not to go fishing. This should be done in collaboration with police and the ministries responsible to help children develop independent careers.


Level: post-graduate

Type: dissertations

Year: 2018


Contributed by: libraryadmin1@2022


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