This study was carried out in Kitenga sub-county Mubende district and the major purpose for the study was to investigate teachers‟ failure to manage time in primary schools. In carrying out this study, three (3) research questions were posed. The study purposely sampled thirty respondents comprising of five headteachers, fifteen teachers and ten pupils. The instruments used for data collection were the interview guides. The study reviewed literature on reasons for teachers‟ failure to manage teaching time, teachers‟ opinion on management of teaching time and possible solutions to poor management of teaching time by teachers. Following from the descriptive survey of the research design, structured interview tools were used as data collection instruments and Content analysis was used to analyze the findings. The major findings of the study revealed that stake holders should make a follow-up of whatever is taking place in schools, teachers should always manage time in order to meet deadline during the process of executing duties and can manage time through day by day activities setting up priorities and organizing the day around the most important tasks. Therefore, the researcher recommended that school managers parents inspectors and should work closely to ensure that there is no poor time management of time and teachers should perform their duties objectively with will, professionalism and passion in order to avoid poor management of time.
Level: diploma
Type: dissertations
Year: 2020
Contributed by: libraryadmin1@2022
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