assessing parental participation in youth development programs: a case study of masodde resource centre, watuba sub county in kyankwanzi district


This report presents findings of the study entitled to Assessing parental participation in youth development programs a case study of Masodde Resource Centre with its objective , To investigate the current level and kinds of involvement in youth development programmes at MRC by parents, including other care givers and representatives of the community, to find out the barriers and /or community participation in youth development programmes at MRC, To identify interventions that may increase the participation of parents an or community members in participation in youth development program at MRC. The study was carried out in CECE as an organization but under its department of the youth at MRC, Watuba Subcounty in Kyankwanzi District 2018 to 2019. Semi structured interviews were used on 8 youths. The study adopted a case study design and a qualitative data collection method was used. The data was collected using interviews and analyzed qualitatively through content analysis. Findings of the study indicate that majority of the parents at MRC provide support to their children who are involved in youth development programs. The support given to the youth enables them to study and focus so that they do not get spoilt before completing the course. Above all the low participation of parents in youth development programs offered at MRC is as a result of parents being poor in Kyankwanzi as the findings present And the more parents participate in youth development programs, the more they will get to know the importance of these programs to the youth and neighboring communities. The study concluded that CECE as an organization should first dialogue with the youths them selves to get their ideas on which activities to be put in place than implementing activities that mainly target women and leave out men yet both sexes need to be empowered to compete in the world of work today.


Level: under-graduate

Type: dissertations

Year: 2019

Institution: makerere university

Contributed by: libraryadmin1@2022


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