the effects of inequality and associated issues related to poverty a case study of people in gurei payam south sudan


The purpose of this study was to find out the effects of inequality and other associated issues on poverty in Gurei Payam in South Sudan. The specific objectives were to: assess the factors which contributed to inequality; determine other factors which cause poverty and to find out the impact of inequality and other factors on poverty increase. The study adopted descriptive survey design which employed both quantitative and qualitative data collection methods was used. Both primary and secondary data was used and the data collection tool was questionnaires. A sample size of (196) respondents were recruited to participate in the study. According to the finding 85.2% agreed with lack of adequate investment; 81.6% of the respondents agreed that nepotism/tribalism is largely practices in South Sudan hence it has resulted to inequality; 76.5% agreed with discriminatory structures in the economic spheres; 74.5% agreed with gender balance and services in the community; 74.5% agreed with the difference is the distribution of natural resources; 61.2% agreed with education; and 67.9% agreed with lack of adequate investment to the communities‟ services and infrastructure; Basing on finding on the factors which cause poverty (91.3%) agreed that limited economic growth; 92.8% agreed with lack of accountability on public or government projects; 91.8%) agreed with political instability; (76.5%) agreed that increasing unemployment rates has resulted to poverty; (76.5%) agreed with corruption where public and private funds are embezzled and misused; and 73.5 % agreed that limited access to water and sanitation. Lastly under the impact of inequality and other factors on poverty increase, 91.3% agreed that inequality domestic policies on taxation and finance may arise levels of poverty mean; 85.2% agreed that inequality in the economic spheres can leads to discrimination hence reduced standards due to poverty; 85.2% agreed that income inequality can lead to poverty; 76.5% agreed with roles of technological change and globalization inequality in driving poverty; 78.6% agreed with the statement that the difference is the distribution of natural resources is also another factor which leads to poverty. It can be concluded that to inequality in Gurei Payam in South Sudan is contributed by the above factors. finding it can be concluded that limited economic growth, lack opportunities for production, high rates of unemployment, limited access to water and sanitation, lack of accountability, vulnerability/political instability, corruption are the major factors which cause poverty in Gurei Payam in South Sudan. Government of South Sudan should move income to wealth or inheritance taxes; and policies to reduce unemployment should be developed.


Level: under-graduate

Type: dissertations

Year: 2021

Institution: Africa Renewal University

Contributed by: libraryadmin1@2022


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