stakeholder involvement in the implementation of youth livelihood programme in rubanda district: a case study of bubare sub-county


A study was done to find out the extent to which stakeholders are involved in the implementation of Youth Livelihood Programme in Bubare Sub-County, Rubanda District. The specific objectives were; to establish the level of stakeholder involvement in the implementation of Youth Livelihood Programme in Bubare Sub-County, to establish the challenges of stakeholder involvement in the implementation of Youth Livelihood Programme in Bubare Sub-County, and to suggest strategies to enhance stakeholder involvement in the implementation of Youth Livelihood Programme in Bubare Sub-County. Data collection was done in Bubare sub-county using both questionnaire and Key informant interviews. The unit of analysis was the Youth Livelihood projects in the selected four parishes of Bubare, Kagarama, Kibuzigye and Muyanje in Bubare sub-county. The projects included crop farming, livestock, poultry, piggery, agroforestry and bee keeping. Data was analyzed using SPSS software where descriptive statistics and factor analysis were run. The study findings revealed that there was low level of stakeholder involvement in the implementation of Youth Livelihood Programme in Bubare Sub-county. This was evidenced by cases of fewer group members participating in decision making, lack of demonstrations and trainings, poor working relationships amongst youth members, poor financial accountability, low political support of the YLP, bribery cases, low engagement of police and other security organs in enforcing funds recovery among youth defaulter and lack of monitoring and evaluation of youth projects by Bubare Sub county Officials, low capacity building inputs from NGOs, project resistance from the community as well as cultural differences were reported. The respondents proposed strategies of development of stakeholder involvement guidelines, gender mainstreaming, stakeholder dialogue, formation of partnerships, continuous youth training and regular monitoring of youth livelihood projects by the local leaders. In conclusion, the study recommends youth be physically involved in most of the project activities, facilitation of Bubare Sub-county staff to undertake monitoring and evaluation, project activity guidelines, demonstration sites, gender mainstreaming as well as partnership with NGOs and churches on trainings and sensitizations of the stakeholders on Youth Livelihood Programme.


Level: post-graduate

Type: dissertations

Year: 2018

Institution: Makerere University Business school

Contributed by: libraryadmin1@2022


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