youth involvement, empowerment, stakeholder role clarity and project sustainability: the case study of youth livelihood projects in nebbi district


The Ugandan government has initiated various policies, programmes and projects to address youth unemployment and poverty challenges across the country. One of such a programme is Youth Livelihood Programme which was aimed at empowering youth in Uganda to harness their socioeconomic potential, increase self-employment opportunities and income levels. However, sustainability of such programmes and projects is still questionable. This study sought to establish the relationship between youth involvement, empowerment, stakeholder role clarity and sustainability of youth livelihood Projects in Nebbi District. The researcher used descriptive and cross sectional research design to study the relationship between, youth involvement, empowerment, stakeholder role clarity and funds utilization with the aim of establishing whether they have effect on project sustainability using a snap shot study. A sample size of 92 group projects was selected from the population of 115 group projects in Nebbi District. Both primary and secondary data sources were used by the researcher. Structured questionnaires were used to collect data and this data was sorted, edited, coded and analyzed using SPSS software. Descriptive frequency Pearson correlation co-efficiency and regression analysis statistics were used to examine the study variables. The correlation analysis revealed a significant positive relationship between all the three independent variables that is, youth involvement, empowerment, stakeholder role clarity and project sustainability. This implies that, all the three independent variables are directly associated with project sustainability. In the regression analysis, Model 1 included three control variables for study namely; length of project existence, number of project members and funds received from the YLP. All of the independent variables in the model were not significant predictors. Model 2 involves the introduction of youth involvement to the predictor variables in model 1. The findings indicated that Youth Involvement had a significant positive effect on project sustainability. Model 3 involved the introduction of Empowerment to the predictor variables used in model 2. Empowerment was itself found to have a significant positive effect on project sustainability. Model 4 involved the introduction of Stakeholder role clarity to the predictor variables used in model 3. Stakeholder role clarity was found to have a significant positive effect on project sustainability. Model 5 involved the introduction of Funds Utilization to the predictor variables used in model 4. Funds Utilization was also found to have a significant positive effect on project sustainability. The study concludes that, sustainability of YLP is determined by whether the project groups are being involved at all levels of project cycle, whether they have the required skills for project implementation and whether there is clarity in the roles and responsibilities of the different stakeholders or not. Secondly, once project funds are disbursed when the project groups do not follow the established guideline by MGLSD for utilization of the funds, sustainability of the projects will not be guaranteed. The study recommends that targeted youth groups must be involved throughout the project cycle, more tailored training be provided to the project groups, roles of the different stakeholders have to be clearly specified and monitoring of the project groups enhanced to attain project sustainability


Level: post-graduate

Type: dissertations

Year: 2018

Institution: Makerere University Business school

Contributed by: libraryadmin1@2022


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