The study aimed at developing guidelines for implementing virtual reference services for Cavendish University Library. The objectives of the study were to; find out the status of reference services that are being provided at Cavendish University library, establish the challenges affecting reference services at Cavendish University Library, determine the requirements for virtual reference service implementation and propose a set of guidelines that can be followed to implement virtual reference services in the library. The study used a case study research design while adopting a qualitative research approach in presenting the data. The sample size comprised of 346 students, 2 lecturers and 6 librarians making a total of 354 respondents who were expected to participate in the study at Cavendish University Library. The data collection methods used were; questionnaires, interviews and observation methods. The researcher used questionnaires, interview guides, and the observation guides were used in data collection necessary in developing a guide for creating an electronic reference service system for CUU Library. The study established that there was no virtual reference services guidelines for Cavendish University library. The study findings established that the types of reference services offered were; orientation to the library users through tours, referral to information centers that have services, assistance in finding the answer to specific reference services, assistance in developing research strategies for reports, and online search services. The reference services are offered using; library website interface, face book page, face to face interaction, and use of telephones calls. The challenges faced in offering reference services were; fewer computers, unawareness about the existing sources of information, and unreliable electricity. The study concluded that there is need to develop virtual reference service guidelines for CUU Library to improve the services provided. The study recommended that the management of CUU Library should adopt the proposed a guidelines for implementation of virtual reference services at Cavendish University Library. The other recommendations were; establish a written policy, library should engage users through lectures, programs, in-house meetings and training sessions, engage users in focus groups, current and changing trends in reference and information services, identify the strengths and weaknesses, and identify new methods of service.
Level: under-graduate
Type: dissertations
Year: 2016
Contributed by: libraryadmin1@2022
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