knowledge, attitude and practices of parents towards hpv vaccination of girls aged 10 years in nakaloke ward , nakaloke town council, mbale district


Human Papillomavirus (HPV) is associated with various cancer types in both men and women. In 2012, HPV was associated with 74% of cancer cases in women, 70% of which were cervical cancer the main purpose of the study was to find out the knowledge, attitude and practices of parents towards HPV vaccination of girls aged 10 years in Nakaloke ward, Nakaloke town council,Mbale district A descriptive cross-sectional study design that employed quantitative data collection methods was used. Thestudy was carried out in Nakaloke ward,Mbale district among 100 parents of girls aged 10 years. Simple random sampling method was used to obtain the participants who consented to participate. HPV vaccine uptake was the dependant variable and knowledge, attitude and practices of parents towards HPV vaccination was the independent variable. A pretested structured questionnaire was used to collect data that was analysed using Microsoft word and excel. Findings were then presented in form of tables, graphs and pie charts. Findings of the study showed that majority of respondents 64(64%) were married, 92(92%) were female, 36(36%) were Muslims and 40(40%) were peasant farmers. Majority of the respondents, 92(92%) had heard about HPV vaccination, 57(62%) mentioned radio as major source of information. Majority of respondents 84(91.3%) mentioned that it protects against cervical cancer and it is administered to girls aged 10 years 80(87%). Almost two thirds, 60(60%) agreed that one could be infected with HPV at one point in time, 92(92%) considered cervical cancer as a serious disease, 76(76%) would depend on the health workers recommendation to accept the vaccine. Slightly more than a half of respondents 58(58%) had a child received at least one dose of the vaccine, 42(42%) never received 36(58%) were vaccinated at school, 12(20.6%) were vaccinated at health facility, 96(96%) said that health workers provided information on HPV. Those who were willing not to receive the vaccine were 26(62%) because it cause infertility 5(31.2%), cause cancer 8(50%) and vaccine is not safe 3(18.8%) In conclusion participants had good knowledge, fairly positive attitude and low practices in relation to HPV vaccination. Due to several myths discovered, more sensitization is needed so as to improve on the knowledge, attitude and practices of mothers towards utilization of HPV vaccine.


Level: diploma

Type: dissertations

Year: 2019

Institution: mulago school of nursing and midwifery

Contributed by: libraryadmin1@2022


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