perception of parents towards retention of girl child in primary schools of buliisa town council, buliisa district


The focus of the study was to investigate on the perception of parents towards retention of girl child in primary school in Buliisa town council primary schools, Buliisa District. This was because; the researcher is a resident of the area and also the number of girl child in school was declining. The study was guided by the following objectives; i. To establish the perception of parents towards cultural beliefs as regards to relation of a girl child in primary school in Buliisa. ii. To identify the perception of parents towards the arrangements put in place by NGO’S to retain a girl child in school in Buliisa iii. To a certain levels of parents education and their perception towards girl education in primary schools in Bulisa. Literature was reviewed based on the study objectives. The researcher adopted across sectional survey research design, purposive sampling technique was used and 92 respondents were sampled from the target population of 120 respondents. Data was collected using questionnaire and interview and data was analyzed inform of percentages and frequency. The finding of the study was that Many African societies tend to give the boy child better prospects while disfavoring the girl child. The study concluded that: Girl child in Buliisa District local government miss school because they act as a direct substitute to the mother in case of sickness, absence or death, culturally, a girl child is meant to feed the family, collect water and firewood, cook, farm and get married in the earliest time possible as boys receive more preparations on how to remain in schools than girls, there are Islamic practices prevents from schooling, attending school cause a girl delay getting married, some parents withdraw their girls from school for marriage on the fact that when they die, there in laws will perform their funeral rites in “a grand style”, there has been a significant increase in the number of the role of Ngo’s towards girl child education, there is great need to embrace intervention program that are in support to girl child education, sensitization program and other supporting packages for girl child by NGOs are good for their success in education, Parent’s education level plays a significant role in determining the extent to which education achievement and inspiration are realized. The researcher recommended that; there is a need to improve on perception towards girl child education by continually sensitizing the masses about it, girls need o be given equal education opportunity with boys because they contribute to the development of the families and the country at large, there is need to provide scholastic material and financial support to girl child to enable them remain at school


Level: post-graduate

Type: dissertations

Year: 2018


Contributed by: libraryadmin1@2022


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