knowledge, attitude and practice of youth aged between 15-24 years regarding hepatitis b infection in adjumani district


Introduction: The study was carried out in Adjumani District, aimed at identifying the knowledge, attitude and practices of the youth aged 15-24 years regarding Hepatitis B prevention in Adjumani District. General Objective: The main objective of the study was to identify the knowledge, attitude and practices of the youths aged 15-24 years regarding Hepatitis B prevention. Methodology: The study design was cross sectional descriptive study where data was collected using self administered questionnaires given to 150 youths using random sampling and analysis carried using SPPS version 20 Results: The study was carried out in randomly selected secondary schools in Adjumani District. The study found out that respondents were knowledgeable regarding Hepatitis B infection. For instance, 150 (100%) had ever heard of Hepatitis B Virus, 120 (80%) agreed that one could contract Hepatitis B Virus through unsafe sex, 90 (60%) agreed that one can get Hepatitis B infection by sharing tooth brushes, sharps and razors, 130 (86.7%) agreed that people with Hepatitis B infection can develop liver cancer, 100 (66.7%) agreed that there was treatment for Hepatitis B infection. However, respondents had mostly negative attitude regarding Hepatitis B infection as 60 (40%) disagreed that Hepatitis B is not a dangerous disease, 75 (50%) strongly disagreed that Hepatitis B Virus infection can be prevented, 100 (67%) strongly agreed that they feared to get a positive result for Hepatitis B virus infection, 80 (53.3%) Respondents had poor practices regarding Hepatitis B infection as most 100 (66.7%) had never been immunized against Hepatitis B Virus, 92 (63.1%) disagreed that one can get Hepatitis B infection from unsterile medical equipment. However, 80 (53.3%) always asked saloon barbers to disinfect or replace machine blades which was a good practice which helped to prevent Hepatitis B infection. Conclusion: The results of the study revealed that although respondents were knowledgeable regarding Hepatitis B infection, they had negative attitude and practices regarding the prevention of Hepatitis B infection. Recommendations: There is need for immediate sensitization and health education of the community on Hepatitis B transmission and prevention aimed at changing attitude and practices of the people toward Hepatitis B prevention.


Level: under-graduate

Type: dissertations

Year: 2016


Contributed by: libraryadmin1@2022


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