guidelines for selection and acquisition of library materials at the university of kisubi


The aim of the research was to develop guidelines for selection and acquisition of library materials for University of Kisubi (UniK) Library. The objectives of the study were to; establish the current status of the selection and acquisition of library materials at the University of Kisubi, find out how the selection and acquisition of library materials at UniK is managed, identify the challenges of selection and acquisition of library materials at UniK and come up with the best guidelines for selection and acquisition of library materials for UniK. The study used a case study research design while adopting qualitative research approach. Purposive sampling method was used to select included one (1) chief librarian and the three (3) library assistants. The study used interviews and observation methods to collect data from the respondents. The information materials available in UniK Library include; text books periodicals such as magazines, newspapers, journals; government publications among others. The major method used in acquiring information materials was donations and gifts from the government and other institutions. Information resources are also acquired through purchases from the local publishers. UniK Library is faced with many challenges concerning selection and acquisition of information materials for the library users as revealed by the research findings. These challenges included; poor coordination with the suppliers, lack of user involvement in decision making, and inadequate information materials. The study concluded that there was a need to develop the guidelines for selection and acquisition of library materials at the University of Kisubi. The study recommended the library staff at UniK to adopt these guidelines, evaluation of donations and gifts received, proper identification of users needs, good relationship with book vendors, setting up a library selection and acquisitions policy.


Level: under-graduate

Type: dissertations

Year: 2018

Institution: makerere university

Contributed by: libraryadmin1@2022


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