appraisal of reference services in two public libraries - the fct city library wuse abuja and nassarawa state library, lafia


This study is an attempt to appraise the reference services provided in the public libraries in the North Central Geo- Political zone of Nigeria viz: FCT City library zone 4 Wuse Abuja and Nasarawa state library, objectives which addressed types of reference services provided; extent of availability of the reference services; resources employed for the provision of reference service in the two libraries; level of adequacy of the reference resources for reference services; problems affecting the provision of reference services in the two public libraries and suggestions for improving the reference services provided by the public libraries. Based on the six research questions drawn from the objectives, a survey instrument titled appraisal questionnaire was used to obtain information from the respondents. The instrument had two parts “A and B”. Part “A” sought information on the bio-data of respondents, while part “B” direct on the quality, availability and adequacy of reference resources and services. An observation checklist was also designed and administered to determine the adequacy of reference service in terms of currency and quality. 217 copies of questionnaire were distributed based on the population sample, 177 completed questionnaires were returned representing 81.5% response rate. The data collected was analyzed using mean score, frequency count and percentages and presented in tables where necessary. Findings of the study revealed that most of the library staff lack the relevant skills needed for effective reference service. Findings further revealed lack of convenient access to the users of the public libraries and also the need for adequate orientation on the use of library resources and services. Based on the findings, the study recommended among others the provision of current and up to date information sources, and training and re-training of library staff.


Level: under-graduate

Type: dissertations

Year: 2012

Institution: university of nigeria, nsukka

Contributed by: libraryadmin1@2022


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