guidelines for improving library services at masindi public library


The study aimed at providing guidelines for improving library services for Masindi Public Library (MPL). The objectives of the project were to; establish the current status of library services provided in MP, find out how the library services are managed at MPL, identify the challenges of library services at MPL and come up with the guidelines for improving library services MPL. The study used purposive sampling method to select 41 students, 13 non students and 4 librarians who participated in the study. The study employed a case study research design while adopting a mixed research approach during the data collection. Questionnaires, interviews and observation guides were used to collect data. The library services offered by MPLwere; library orientation, circulation service, photocopying, assistance in locating library materials, exhibition and display, reference services, reading space. The librarians also use the face to face interactions with the library users to update them about the news and updates in the library, notice boards and the library’s face book page.The challenges faced in delivering the library services were; poor library orientation, inadequate information materials, strict rules and regulations, un friendly librarian, small reading room, lack of a library catalogue, inadequate funds, inadequate reading room, inadequate storage space, inadequate computers in the library, and low turn up for students during orientation. The strategies to improve on the library services were; employing qualified staff, providing more space for reading, allocating funds to the library and provision of computers and internet in the library. The study also suggests the guidelines for effective delivery of library services at MPL Library. The recommendations for the study were; displaying new books, need for a written code of ethics in the library, user education programs, need for more effective methods to offer services, and promoting a library as a learning center.


Level: under-graduate

Type: dissertations

Year: 2017

Institution: makerere university

Contributed by: libraryadmin1@2022


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