effectiveness of e-banking in delivering customer satifaction: a case study of centenary rural development bank, head office mapeera house


The study was carried out to establish the effectiveness of electronic banking in delivering customer satisfaction with a case of Centenary bank, head office Mapeera house. The study aimed at identifying the factors that impact the adoptability of E- banking to Customers; finding out how the use of E- banking influences Customer Satisfaction level at Centenary bank; and establishing the challenges involved in using E-Banking to satisfy customers at Centenary. To achieve the above purpose, a cross-sectional research design together with the explanatory research design and analytical research design were used in the survey. The survey population included staff and customers of Centenary Bank. Purposive and simple random sampling methods were used to select samples used in the study. Self-administered questionnaires were used to collect data from staff. Data was collected from 22 respondents. Data was analyzed using SPSS (Statistical Package for Social Scientist). The findings indicated that the administration was embracing e- banking as a wellspring of upper hand as spoke to by an 82.7% reaction rate. It was established that staff had the fundamental specialized abilities to help the reception of e-banking as appeared by a half reaction rate. The study in this manner inferred that business rivals affected execution of e- banking in Kenya Commercial bank. The study concluded that client weight and provider's weight is a basic usage consideration for e-banking. The study recommends that banks administration ought to be quick to look at their rivals move in e-banking to guarantee that they are not left behind. Bank administration ought to endeavor to think of more secure e-banking in order to win the trust of their customers furthermore to guarantee that they don't confront any misfortune because of frailty in the frameworks received. The study concluded that regulators, law makers, ICT industries, institutions, and the banking industry itself have the task to alleviate these inhibitors by providing guideline/policies, cyber laws, adoption of fast changes in ICT technologies, develop partnership, have enough capital budget for ICT investment and training, in order to develop trust, security, capability, basic bank supervision and increase in service coverage from personalized to SME and Corporate.


Level: under-graduate

Type: dissertations

Year: 2019

Institution: nkumba university

Contributed by: libraryadmin1@2022


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