assessing record management system at commercial courts buganda road


The purpose of this study was to assess the records management practices at commercial court Buganda road .the objective of the study was To identify the types of records created and used at commercial court Buganda road, to examine the records management system used at the commercial court Buganda road, to find out the challenges faced in managing records at commercial court Buganda road, to suggest the possible solutions to the problems at records management systems at commercial court Buganda road. The study was based on case study design with qualitative approach, interview and observation methods. Through the use of data collection tools which were questioner, observation tool and interview guide the study revealed the records management system used in the commercial court Buganda road that manage and maintained records from the period of creation till the period of disposition.


Level: under-graduate

Type: dissertations

Year: 2019

Institution: makerere university

Contributed by: libraryadmin1@2022


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