assessment of records management practices at high court (land division) uganda registry


This study was qualitative in nature and it assessed the records management practices at High Court (Land Division) Uganda Registry. The specific objectives of the study were; to identify the different records generated, to assess the how records are managed, to establish the challenges faced by records management and to suggest possible strategies for the challenges faced. This study report has been presented under five chapters where chapter one presented the background to the study, the problem statement and the aims of the study, research questions and the significance of the study. In chapter two, the researcher has presented information which has already been by different scholars related to the topic of the study. The information provided in this chapter has been extracted from internet sources, research academia pages, library materials and from the work efforts of other researchers whose studies were related to this. While reviewing literature, the researcher considered domestic violence, sexual assault and women depression as the key variables for the search. Chapter three describes the research design and methods for this study. The study used interview and observation methods to collect data. This chapter begins with the research design, which is a description of the research approach. It further attempts to describe the population of this study. Chapter four analyses and discusses the findings of the study. This being a qualitative study, all findings were attained using methodologies and tools that are considered suitable for qualitative data collection. These included face-to-face interviews, observation and literature search. The chapter looks at the background information, the different records generated, how records are managed, the challenges faced by records management at High Court (Land Division) Uganda Registry, strategies for the challenges faced by records management at High Court (Land Division) Uganda Registry. Finally, chapter five is giving a summary of the findings, conclusion and recommendations of the study.


Level: under-graduate

Type: dissertations

Year: 2017

Institution: makerere university

Contributed by: libraryadmin1@2022


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