Occupational Stress, Employee Turnover Intentions and Job Performance among Employees of Pan Afric Commodities Limited


The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship between job stress, job performance and turnover intentions among employees of Pan Afric commodities limited. The study was intended to achieve the following objectives; to establish the relationship between of occupational stress and turnover intentions among workers, determine the association occupational stress with job performance among workers and find out the impact of turnover intentions on job performance among employees of pan afric commodities limited. A correlation study design will be used in the study to establish the relationship between stress, coping strategies and job performance among employees of Pan Afric. The study used a sample of 80 respondents who were adopted using simple sampling technique. Data was therefore collected using self- administered questionnaire and later analyzed using Statistical Package for Social Scientists version 20. The findings show that there is no significant relationship between occupational stress and job performance since (r=.245, p=.167). The findings show that there is a significant positive relationship between occupational stress and turnover intentions since (r=.442**, p=0.001, <0.01). The findings show that there is a significant positive relationship between turnover intentions and job performance since (r=.534**, p=0.000, <0.01). In conclusion, this implies that turnover intentions greatly influence job performance among employees of Pan Afric commodities limited though the Research findings showed that occupational stress is not related to job performance.


Level: under-graduate

Type: dissertations

Year: 2018


Contributed by: libraryadmin1@2022


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