the influence of covid-19 lockdown on the academic performance of students in selected schools in buloba parish, wakiso sub county, wakiso district


The COVID-19 pandemic also affected Uganda, more severely in 2020 which resulted in the lockdown in the country. Education as an international human right is a serious aspect of life however, schools were not exempt from this lockdown which greatly affected the academic performance of students throughout the entire country. Schools were closed for almost two years and when they were reopened, it was hard for the students to catch up fast in school as mentally and psychologically the long period had affected the students and this resulted in poor academic performance. Therefore, this study is aimed at finding out the t influence of the COVID-19VID 19 lockdown on the academic performance of students in Buloba parish, Wakiso district. This study will also come up with intervention ways to deal with the influence of the COVID-19 lockdown on the academic performance of students. The study will be carried out with the use of the qualitative methods and the data collection methods that will be used include interviews focused group discussions and structure questions. The findings are to show that COVID-19 lockdown in line with the academic performance of students was due many different factors that including limited movements, limited access to resources, no class attendance, no physical discussion between the students and their teachers and many more causes. In this study, interventions are to be aligned to deal with the influence of COVID-19 lockdown on the academic performance of students in Buloba parish, Wakiso district was to set up policies like giving food to people during the lockdown like posho and beans , providing free vaccination and encouraging online studying providing gargets like phones and laptops to students to boast online studying and helping the parents that cannot afford to purchase these gargets for their children plus home schooling in order to keep the students active to maintain their academic performance.


Level: under-graduate

Type: dissertations

Year: 2023


Contributed by: libraryadmin1@2022


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