the influence of teacher’s competence on academic performance among pupils with learning disabilities in inclusive primary schools in buloba wakiso district-uganda


The study sought to investigate the influence of teacher‟s competence on academic performance among pupils with learning disabilities. Objectives includes the cause of teacher‟s competence, effects and measures to improve on academic performance among pupils with learning disabilities in inclusive primary schools in Wakiso district Uganda. A cross-sectional descriptive survey was used to select pupils and teachers. Researcher used 100 target population to generalize the study. Simple random sampling was used to select the sample schools. Slovene‟s formula was used to get the sample size of 80 people. Structured questionnaires for head teachers/teachers and pupils contained both open and closed ended questions used to collect uniform information. Both qualitative and quantitative techniques were used to collect data. 23% of head teachers/teachers were on view that, assessment was vital to improve academic performance among pupils with LDs. 20% of the respondents gave their view that IEP contributed to better performance. The researcher recommended that, all teachers in inclusive primary schools should be trained in Special Needs. The Ministry of Education should therefore organize for pre-service and in-service training courses and adapt the inclusive school curriculum to enhance learning for pupils with learning disabilities.


Level: under-graduate

Type: dissertations

Year: 2021


Contributed by: libraryadmin1@2022


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