influence of global standards implementation on performance of public health procurement agency in kenya: a case of kenya medical supplies agency


Trying to monitor the trade on counterfeit and falsified medicines is a challenging affair; however, there exist sufficient evidence that it is not lifestyle drugs alone that are at the center of these vice. Aggressive health challenges, including near death experiences (O’Hagan & Garlington, 2018). The purpose of this study was to determine influence of global standards implementation on performance of public health procurement agency in Kenya: a case of Kenya medical supplies agency. The objectives of this study were to determine the influence of Product identification implementation on the performance of public health procurement agency in Kenya; establish the influence of product capture implementation on the performance of public health procurement agency and to examine the influence of Product data sharing implementation on the performance of health procurement agency. The research design largely embraced descriptive survey design featuring both the qualitative and quantitative characteristics. According to Kothari (2004) describing facts and characteristics falls under a descriptive survey when it targets individuals, group or situations To affirm it more, Lokesh (1984) made an assertion highlighting that descriptive studies are designed to obtain precise and pertinent information in line with the status of phenomena and whenever general conclusions from the facts discovered can be drawn. Putting into focus Kombo and Tromp (2006), when we are focusing on population, we depict it as the aggregate accumulation of components about which we wish to make deductions. To ensure a high outcome is obtained, the scoped population will comprise of various technical, operational and management staff working in public health procurement agency and health regulatory agency allied to procurement operations in Kenya. The best method that was selected was purposive sampling which was appropriate in developing the research sample to be interrogated and discussed. This method which forms part of the non-probability sampling techniques (Dull & Reinhardt, 2014). The members were selected putting emphasis on their knowledge, relationships and expertise regarding the topic of Global standards and their experience in its implementation in the public health procurement agency. The study determined the sample from the population by applying Sekeran (2003) sample determination table .For a population of 75 people, based on the pre calculation done from the table by Sekaran, the sample size was 62 respondents. Following that line of thought, the researcher then selected 103 respondents from the various partner organizations. The result obtained to justify the criteria of selection was such that those staff who have been involved in public heath procurement engagements were eligible. Use of questionnaire for survey research was the best instrument for data collection (Bowling, 1997), because the information was collected at a natural setting. To achieve maximum output based on information and experiences, the questions were designed based on stakeholder experiences in public health supply chain and procurement projects. The selection of the tool was guided by certain parameters such as data to be collected, easily accessible of such data, as well as the objective of the study. The justification of use of the questionnaires was mainly due to variables that could not be easily viewed. It established the importance of Global standards implementation in procurement agency and further highlighted the positive outcome of its implementation. It further established that efficiency of procurement systems increased in the end and there was effective inventory management of procurement commodities. Furthermore, there was also a reduction of stock-outs in the public health supply chain and finally it led to the faster detection and elimination of counterfeit commodities from the legal supply chain process. Global standards implementation is key in ensuring that we will have safe, secure and reliable supply chains.


Level: post-graduate

Type: dissertations

Year: 2022

Institution: University of Nairobi

Contributed by: zemuhindi


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