monitoring and evaluation practices and performance of water points for agro-pastoral project in somalia


In Somalia, there is scarcity of permanent sources of water supply that is essential for the survival of the human population and livestock. During the middle of the dry season, most of these water points dry up leading to a severe scarcity of water that in extreme cases results in the death of humans as well as livestock. During prolonged droughts, it is typical practice in these types of areas to transport water using trucks. These reservoirs have waters that are contaminated with organic materials, as well as silt and sometimes garbage. Thus, the purpose of the study was to establish the extent to which monitoring and evaluation practices influence performance of water Points for Agro-pastoral project in Somalia. The study’s objectives revolved around determination of effect of M&E planning, M&E training, data management and utilization of M&E results in relation to performance of water Points for Agro-pastoral project in Somalia. The study was anchored on realistic evaluation theory and the theory of change. Mixture of of descriptive survey and correlational research designs was adopted targeting 87 M&E managers, M&E learning officers, data analysts and research assistants from two water Points for Agro-pastoral project in Somalia. Stratified random sampling technique was used to select 71 respondents which were determined scientifically through Yamane formula. Primary data was gathered through a questionnaire that had been pilot tested among 7 respondents who were not included in the final study. Validity and reliability of the questionnaire will be ensured before gathering information from participants by self. The gathered information was analyzed through Statistical Package for Social Sciences guided by percentages, means and regression analysis and presented through tables. The study observed that utilization of M&E results (β=0.428) had the greatest effect on project performance then M&E Training (β=0.242), data management (β=0.228) and lastly M&E planning (β=0.223). The study concludes that M&E practices are significant drivers of project performance. The study recommends that project managers in the water Points for Agro-pastoral project in Somalia should take a participatory approach in M&E planning where all concerned stakeholders need to be actively involved in the process. The human resource managers working in water Points for Agro-pastoral project in Somalia should provide regular training to project staff to equip them with relevant skills. Future research should focus on establishing other factors aside from M&E practices that have an effect on performance of water Points for Agro-pastoral project in Somalia


Level: post-graduate

Type: dissertations

Year: 2022

Institution: University of Nairobi

Contributed by: zemuhindi


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