influence of monitoring and evaluation practice on performance of water and sanitation projects: a case of kismayo-baidoa urban water supply and sanitation project, somalia


Somalia is one the lowest countries in the world with access to clean and improved water supply projected at 32% while access to improved sanitation is about 24%. Because of limited regulation of private water suppliers in Somalia, most of them do charge high prices that are not sustainable to most of the poor people. The outcome of this is that majority of the families are forced to fetch water in open waters that are highly prone to health challenges occasioned by open defection due to poor sanitation facilities in the country. The inquiry aimed atestablishing the influence of M&E on performance of water supply and sanitation projects using a case of KBUWS&SP. More specifically, the study examined the influence of M&E planning, M&E tools, M&E reporting and M&E results utilization on performance of KBUWS&SP. The theory of change and realistic evaluation theory were used to underpin this study.Descriptive survey and correlational research designs were adopted targeting 47 project staff of KBUWS&SPworking in the M&E department and census was used. Primary data was gathered using questionnaire that had undergone pilot testing to determine reliability. Validity was ensured through the review of the questionnaire by the supervisor and the experts. The collected data was analyzed through SPSS version 24 using means and percentages as well as regression analysis and presented through tables. The study established that M&E planning (M=3.81, β=.021 p<0.05), M&E tools (M=3.79, β= .051, p<0.05), M&E reporting (M=3.83, β=.099 &<0.05) as well M&E results utilization (M=3.78, β=.123 p<0.05) were significant predictors of performance of Water Supply and Sanitation Project. The study concludes the M&E is a significant predictor of sanitation and water projects in Somalia. The study recommends that the M&E officers and managers working with KBUWS&SPshould come up with clear plans to guide the M&E The project managers of KBUWS&SPshould adopt modern tools for collection and analysis of data


Level: post-graduate

Type: dissertations

Year: 2022

Institution: University of Nairobi

Contributed by: zemuhindi


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