the relationship between psychological wellbeing and marital quality: a case study among married christian couples of pcea mukinyi parish, kiambu county, kenya.


Marital relationships are noted to be robust predictors of the psychological wellbeing of married couples. The study aims at exploring the relationship between psychological wellbeing and marital quality among married Christian couples. The study focused on sampled couples in Mukinyi Parish in the Presbyterian Church of East Africa (P.C.E.A) in Kiambu County, Kenya. Data was collected from couples who have been married for 5 years and more. This was done through questionnaire to collect primary data while secondary data was collected from journals, books and articles. The study was anchored on social exchange theory and Erickson’s theory. P.C.E.A Mukinyi parish has a general population of 4000 people excluding children. Yamane’s formula was used in this study to compute the sample size of 96 couples. The study utilized descriptive design and adopted stratified random sampling procedure to identify the participants. A self-administered data collection instrument consisting social demographic information and marital quality test was used. Data was analysed using inferential statistics with the aid of Statistical Packages for Social Sciences (SPSS) version 24. The study found that the quality of marriage was high among married Christian couples in PCEA Mukinyi Parish. Most of the couples experienced high marital quality characterized by high marital satisfaction and stability. However, marital adjustment was moderately low. Furthermore, there was significant relationship between psychological well-being and marital satisfaction, marital stability and marital adjustment. Psychological well-being was thus a significant indicator of marital quality. If couples lived in stable relationships devoid of divorce and emotional separation, the marriages could last. This could also create a stable environment for children to grow in. Growing in stable families could also impact the future marriage lives of children. This could buttress future marriage quality in the parish. The study recommends strengthening counselling services to strengthen marriages in the study area. There was also a need to enhance marital adjustment through regular marriage seminars in the churches where marriage counsellors can give training on marital quality. Premarital counselling is also recommendable to psychologically prepare couples before marriage. The factors contributing to marriage instability should also be dealt with through organized seminars.


Level: post-graduate

Type: dissertations

Year: 2020

Institution: University of Nairobi

Contributed by: zemuhindi


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