the relationship between alcohol use disorders and depression in men. a case study of the men in kirigiti area, kiambu county.


Alcohol has been a known contributor for disease. According to the World Health Organization, over three million deaths are associated with alcohol annually. Excessive consumption of alcohol continues being a public health concern globally. Alcohol use has continued being a problem in many parts of the world. Kenya has been greatly affected by the negative consequences of alcohol. Many rehabilitation centers in Kenya are full and cannot accommodate any more. Some people are able to afford rehabilitation to treat the problem while others are not able to afford treatment and rehabilitation. Some scientists believe that there is a connection between alcohol use disorders and depression. Depressive disorders are significant mental illnesses which can be diagnosed and treated by a mental health professional. There are scientists who believe that depression and alcoholism are genetic disorders. Other scientists believe that depression and alcoholism can be learned. Other scientists also believe that there is a gene associated with these conditions but they must be activated by an external influence. This external influence can be an accident for the case of depression or alcohol consumption for alcoholism. There are other scientists who believe that alcohol may trigger the depression gene as well as cause anxiety. Alcoholism can be inherited and may be triggered by stress and depression. This study intended to expound broadly the connection between alcohol use disorders and depression. The objectives of this study were to establish the connection between depression and alcohol use disorders, to determine if men in Kirigiti area were suffering from alcohol use disorders and to determine if men in Kirigiti area were suffering from depression. This research was carried out in Kirigiti area, Kiambu County. The study utilized descriptive research design. The study participants were men between the age of 18 years to 60 years. Simple random sampling method was used to collect both qualitative and quantitative data. This study used questionnaires for data collection. Calculations were done using statistical methods and procedures and the results presented using charts, tables and figures. Ethical considerations were observed through attainment of a research permit. The findings were discussed and conclusions and recommendations made. They were presented to the department to be shared with various stakeholders. The findings may be used to improve treatment of patients with depression and alcohol use disorders.


Level: post-graduate

Type: dissertations

Year: 2022


Contributed by: reagan lax


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