determinants of hiv testing programme uptake among married couples in bosamaro chache ward, nyamira county


It has been reported that self and partner’s HIV status knowledge is low among heterosexual couples around the world. The study’s key objective was establishing the HIV testing on uptake of pretesting among married couples in Nyamira county Bosamaro Chache Ward. This study collected the views of couples and the local leaders and therefore it helped in establishment of determinants of HIV prevention strategies among married couples. In that regard, this would help in policy formulation to enhance the testing. The research incorporated a descriptive survey research design. The targeted population included 39,758 residents of Bosamaro Chache Ward from where a sample size of 400 was selected. Further, the study targeted the community leaders and personnel working in health centers in the ward drawn from each of the sub-locations of Ikobe, Bigege, Enchoro and Kegogi. The research picked a sample through the technique of stratified random sampling. The study used primary data collected using a questionnaire. The researcher conducted a pre-test to ensure reliability and validity of the questionnaire. The researcher administered the questionnaire individually to the selected sample. The research checked the completed questionnaires for completeness and consistency. Analysis of the data was done through the use of inferential and descriptive statistics. Correlation and regression model were employed to study the relationship between the independent variables (pretest counseling, awareness of HIV/AIDS, models of testing and accessibility to testing site) and the dependent variable (uptake of HIV testing among married couples in Bosamaro Chache Ward, Nyamira County). From the study, pre-test counseling, awareness of HIV/AIDS, models of testing, and accessibility to testing site were all established to be determinants of uptake of HIV testing among married couples in Bosamaro Chache Ward, Nyamira County. It was established that pretest counseling enhanced the testing uptake for HIV amongst married couples to a great extent. Awareness of HIV/AIDS was also established to enhance the uptake of HIV testing among married couples in Bosamaro Chache Ward to a great extent. Results revealed that the models of testing determined the testing uptake for HIV amongst married couples in Bosamaro Chache Ward to a great extent. On accessibility of the test sites, the results revealed that married couples who lived near VCT center preferred to go to a VCT center far away from the sight of their neighbors so that they are not suspected to be infected. The study concludes that pre-test counseling, awareness of HIV/AIDS, models of testing, and accessibility to testing were determinants for testing uptake for HIV amongst married couples in Bosamaro Chache Ward. To encourage the testing uptake for HIV amongst married couples counselors should be provided with testing checklist or algorithm to guide them through the counseling process. Further, they should be given effective support and training, to enhance their capacity for consistently conveying to customers the right advice. The county government is supposed to hold awareness campaign to disseminate information on HIV treatment and prevention. Efforts should be put promote public alertness about risk of HIV and HIV testing benefits. The doctors should be trained to be proactive in giving HIV testing. Regular monitoring as well as evaluation of the tests is supposed to be carried out in the clinics as well as other sites of doing the rapid-tests towards ensuring specificity and sensitivity, Bosamaro Chache Ward should be equipped with more VCT centers as the available few plus distance challenges many couples from attending counseling and test sessions.


Level: post-graduate

Type: dissertations

Year: 2020

Institution: University of Nairobi

Contributed by: zemuhindi


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