the role of interpersonal communication in the use of family planning methods among women. a study of kajiado county


This study sought to find out the role of interpersonal communication in the use of family planning among women in Kajiado County, The objectives of the study were. Investigating the role of interpersonal communication in creating awareness about family planning use, examining various forms of interpersonal communication used in creating awareness about family planning use, examining the frequency of use of family planning services and investigating the level of knowledge about family planning methods among women in Kajiado County. The study used social cognitive theory and health belief model to explain behavior change in reproductive health .The research utilized descriptive design so as to be able to collect data to describe a specific behavior of subjects under study as it occurred in the environment. The study used a purposive sampling technique to deliberately select a specific population for study. The study had a target population of women with reproductive age between 15-45 years, with a sample size of thirty six respondents. Twenty-five respondents used in-depth interviews, two groups each with five members in the focused group discussions and one respondent for key informant interview were used in data collection. The findings of the study showed that, various communication channels such as broadcast media, print media and interpersonal communication were used in behavior change campaigns. However, various interpersonal communication channels were found to be the most effective method used by women in passing messages of contraceptive use. Although other communication channels were used, they were more commercial and advertorial unlike interpersonal communication which was more informative and educative as it employed dialogue among women.The study recommended that for adequate use of contraceptives and achieving of vision 2030 and MDGs, various stakeholders as the government, media and development partners should engage in effective communication on reproductive health. Further, spousal communication should be enhanced and the media should involve itself in intense education programmes on family planning.


Level: post-graduate

Type: dissertations

Year: 2013


Contributed by: luzze lillian nannozi


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