relationship between strategy implementation and performance in commercial banks in kenya


Strategy implementation involves organization of the firm's resources and motivation of the staff to achieve objectives. Organisational’s performance is the measure of standard or prescribed indicators of effectiveness, efficiency, and environmental responsibility such as, cycle time, productivity, waste reduction, and regulatory compliance. The objective of this study was to assess the relationship between strategy implementation and performance in commercial banks in Kenya. The study was a cross-sectional survey as it sought to describe data and characteristics about the population or phenomenon being studied. The target population for this study involved all the commercial banks operating in kenya. Both primary and secondary data was collected for the purpose of this study and analysed using descriptive statistics. From the study findings it was clear that strategy implementation influences organisation performance where organization use various measures such as organization use projected performance of competitors, organization goals, Past performance of the business and projected performance of organisation in other industries to access their performance. On financial performance, the study established that implementation influence organization financial performance positively. The study concluded that implementation influence organization financial performance positively to a great extent resulting to increased organization profitability, business turnover and volumes of sale. On organization growth the study establishedthat strategy implementation influence organisation growth at great extent. The researcher used questionnaires with both closed and open ended questions to collect data. Closed ended questions have the disadvantage of limiting the responses whereby the respondent is compelled to answer questions according to the researcher’s choice. However to mitigate this limitation the researcher ensure that the questions were well thought out and comprehensive enough to cover all important aspects of the study objectives. The study recommended that for the organization to perform effectively on its financial performance clear strategies that guides it operation should be formulated and guideline be provided to all concerned department in order to eradicate occurrence of compromise. On financial performance, the study recommended that in order for organization to achieve their goal such as profitability, large market share and customer retention, there should be effective strategies that cater for the customer need organization goal and environmental changes. The study also suggested further research to be done on impact of strategy implementation on organization performance in other institutions in order to depict reliable information that illustrates real situation in across all sectors.


Level: post-graduate

Type: dissertations

Year: 2013


Contributed by: luzze lillian nannozi


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