factors influencing information technology project implementation in commercial banks: a case of kenya commercial bank, kenya.


Most projects that are implemented fail because the organizations that are carrying out the projects do not factor in some critical elements of project implementation that are frequently overlooked. In order for organizations to implement projects that meet a time, budget and scope criteria, the right conditions must be in place. Organizations need to be aware of the critical factors that could determine a successful implementation. This research examined what critical factors influence success of Information technology based projects implementation in commercial banks, based on the problem that there is less research on critical factors focused on IT projects within the banking industry. The four objectives under study were; Establishing how top management support influences successful project implementation in Kenya Commercial Bank; determine how human resource influences successful information technology project implementation in Kenya Commercial Bank; Examine how teamwork influences successful information technology project implementation in Kenya Commercial Bank; Establishing stakeholder involvement on successful information technology project implementation in Kenya Commercial Bank. A descriptive research design was used for the study, with a case study methodology to analyze an institution that implements several Information technology based projects. The target population was 132 Human resource Personnel out of which convenience sampling technique was used to select a sample size of 42. Data was collected by using questionnaire at project implementation levels of the organizations. The data collected was analyzed using statistical Package for Social Sciences. Finding from the research showed that there was a higher emphasis on skills of the personnel, teamwork of the project team as well as stakeholder involvement towards achieving successful IT project implementation at the Kenya Commercial Bank. The study made the following conclusions; Top management is a significant factor that influences success of IT projects at the Kenya Commercial Bank; Experience of the Human resource, in terms of working in project teams, enhances and influences success of IT projects implementation; Stakeholder involvement plays a role in IT project implementation at the Kenya Commercial Bank. The recommendations are as follows; Top management at Kenya Commercial Bank should engage in consistent communication with project teams to identify their needs and progress in achieving successful implementation of IT projects. Staff should also be encouraged to work in teams through collaborative activities to achieve organizational goals. Kenya commercial Bank should also engage users of IT systems at all stages of project management, from the design and planning stage to the implementation stage.


Level: post-graduate

Type: dissertations

Year: 2013

Institution: University Of Nairobi

Contributed by: luzze lillian nannozi


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