strategic management practices and technological innovations in nairobi city county public health facilities


This study sought to determine the effects of strategic management practices on technological innovations of Nairobi City County public health facilities. The facilities have faced challenges in strategy formulation, implementation and evaluation. Further, with the world going digital, the public health facilities have been left behind in technological innovations. The study relied on the resource-based theory (RBT), the dynamic capability view and the core competence or innovation theory. This research adopted the descriptive research design. Studied all the 80 public health facilities in Nairobi County involving employees in managerial positions as the respondents. From the 80 health facilities, the study adopted purposive sampling to select one manager from each facility. Questionnaires administered through interviewing method were used to gather the data. From the findings on strategic management practices, the study found that there was adequate knowledge and expertise. However, the facilities had neither technology innovation strategy nor adequate financial resources and change management measures. The top management were not committed and lacked adequate controls to monitor and ensure strategy milestones were met within the facilities. On technological innovation, the participants agreed that the hospital managements preferred tried and tested machinery and products or services due to the cautious nature of the management. They also rarely developed new processes despite developing new products and services though on small scale. They disagreed that processes and technique changed rapidly in their hospital due to technological innovation; and that they had been involved in development and improvement of technological procedure/processes for other hospitals. Correlation analysis showed that strategic4 management practices4 innovations. The study also found strategic4 had a positive relationship4 management practices4 had a positive effect4 with technological on technological innovations. The study concludes that the public health facilities in Nairobi County have poor strategic management practices which have led to poor technological innovations. The study further concludes that strategic management practices relate positively with technological innovations. The study concludes that strategic management practices possess a positive relationship with technological innovations among public health facilities in Nairobi County. From the regression analysis, strategic management practices have a positive effect on technological innovations among public health facilities in Nairobi County. The study recommends public health facilities in Nairobi City County formulate a technology innovation strategy; come up with change management policies; install adequate controls to monitor and ensure strategy milestones are met within the facilities; and develop new processes through adoption of modern technologies that are unique.


Level: post-graduate

Type: dissertations

Year: 2022


Contributed by: reagan lax


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