factors influencing adoption of thin client technology in public universities in the county of nairobi


Most recently, technological and communication sector has undergone various innovations and inventions; this has invited various scholars to carryout research on the latest development on thin client. Thin client is commonly elaborated as the use of computer equipment’s to provide services over networks (Technology & Communication, 2010). In present times, the term “thin client” has proved to be most important in the field of IT. Thin client, or better still server_based computing is appreciated as valuable area in business that depend on internet technologies (Goscinski & Brock, 2010; Tuncay, 2010; Armbrust et al., 2010). Advancement in technology plays a big role in computing but minimal prospects have been integrated in various tertiary institutions and universities. As technology evolves, use of thin clients is getting more popular as another trend in cloud computing (Bayramusta & Nasır, 2016). Use of the virtual workspaces in institutions and businesses greatly reduces cost and improves the use of cloud computing regardless of geographical location nor time zone, Nguyo et al (2015). Thin client optimizes a remote connection using a computing environment that is server-based. The server carries out software launch of programs, data storage and number crunching. The thin client theory goes that, low cost terminals increase reliability. That is, having all your application programs and software on a centralized server system reduces the ICT and technical support burden experiences in cases where there are multiple computers in an office set up. Thin Client improves efficiency while maintaining compliance of organization. This study aims to ascertain thin client technology as cost effective, secure and higher performance. It also aims at determining that thin client can be used to enhance information technology 1advancement in public universities within Nairobi. ICT application in most African countries is not fully utilized (Williams 2015). Obtaining and sustaining ICT infrastructure is both expensive and seen as a luxury in developing countries and is a major contributor to limit purchase of the infrastructure. This makes it obligatory to conduct a study to determine a high performing, highly efficient and cost effective information technology system. Global Information Technology Report (2013, p. 13) indicates that insufficient skills, infrastructure in ICT, low education standards and unconducive business environment are barriers to the achievement of the best ICT systems potentials. The study also aims at giving an input that thin clients achieve the advancement of information technology in public universities and other institutions, businesses and countries that are developing. It targets the predicament of adoption and implementation in developing countries taking Nairobi county universities as a case study.


Level: post-graduate

Type: dissertations

Year: 2020


Contributed by: reagan lax


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