social norms as risk factors contributing to intimate partner violence among married couples in petete sub county pallisa district


The study was mainly aimed at analysing social norms as risky factors contributing to intimate partner violence among married couples in Petete Sub County in Pallisa district. The objectives of the study were; to assess the role of injunctive norms and how they perpetuate intimate partner violence among couples, to explore how descriptive norms contribute to intimate partner violence, to explore the different social sanctions held in society and to explain the role of reference groups in understanding social norms in society. The study was carried out in Petete Sub County in Pallisa district, eastern Uganda which is approximately 65 kilometres by road west of Mbale district. It has 14 sub counties, 68 parishes and 564 villages, with an estimated population density of 375.7sqkm. The study mainly used qualitative method of data collection which included the use of in-depth interview guides and key informant interview guides to collect data. The sample size was 35 study participants in Petete Sub County. In chapter 4, findings were discussed basing on information gathered from the field. It was concluded that couples in Petete Sub County were exposed to intimate partner violence at some point in their lives. The study recommended that men and women should be informed about the danger of intimate partner violence and initiate peaceful ways of solving conflicts in homes instead of choosing violence. The study also recommends NGOs to extend their services in such remote areas. In conclusion the study emphasized that community members should be educated about the dangers of intimate partner violence, it also called for human rights activists to extend their services in remote areas, especially in areas of social norms because there are harmful norms that need dealing with.


Level: under-graduate

Type: dissertations

Year: 2022


Contributed by: libraryadmin1@2022


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