the contributions of culture towards high poverty levels: a case study of matugga sub county, wakiso district


This research study was set to investigate the contributions of culture towards high levels of poverty in Matugga Sub County, Wakiso District. The study was carried out from Matugga because of the increasing poverty levels and also that the place is familiar. This study was guided by questions such as; what are the factors causing poverty in your region? Is it the government that has accelerated poverty in your region? How has poverty affected the people in your region? How has the government tried to curb poverty in your region? The research study found out that poverty in Matugga is being caused by number of Factors and these include, Low levels of education, Lack of good infrastructures such as roads, increasing population growth, corruption, acute lack of employment among others. During the study 50% of the respondents believed that the government has not accelerated poverty in Matugga, while 44% blamed the government for the scourge and the 6% were not sure. The study also found out that a number of social-economic effects have been inflicted on the people by poverty. These include school dropouts, lack of basic Facilities such as shelter, Food, Clothes, and Beddings among others, Domestic violence, illegal activities and many others. Basing on the findings the Following have been recommended to control poverty in Matugga Sub County. Reinforcing the NAADS, Modernizing agriculture, Stabilization of prices for agricultural products, check on Corruption and Embezzlement, Provision soft loans, Regulating the general price level in the country (control inflation}, Diversification of agriculture among others.


Level: under-graduate

Type: dissertations

Year: 2023


Contributed by: libraryadmin1@2022


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