enhancing adaptive capacity of communities in informal settlement to flooding: the case of mukuru kwa reuben in nairobi, kenya.


Mukuru Kwa Ruben informal settlement is located within the industrial area of Nairobi County. It is characterized by poor dilapidated housing exacerbated by poor drainage conditions and flooding in the area. According to the 2019 census projections, Mukuru kwa Ruben has a population of 527,526. This study aimed at developing a framework to enhance adaptive capacity of communities at the Mukuru kwa Ruben informal settlement to flooding. The study objectives entailed: To determine the drivers and impacts of flooding in Mukuru kwa Ruben, to identify the coping strategies to flood risks, establish their challenges and opportunities in Mukuru kwa Ruben and to develop strategies that will enhance Mukuru kwa Ruben adaptive capacity to flood risk. The study started by reviewing relevant literature on flood vulnerability in urban areas and most specifically in informal settlements of Nairobi. Rainfall data was obtained from Kenya Metrological Department for the period 1985-2017 and various flood management policies and strategies were critically reviewed. Household questionnaires, observation checklists and Key Informant Interview guides were used to collect data from the community. The data collection process was undertaken, followed by the analysis of the data collected. The methods of analyses used for this study entailed: content analysis, trend analysis and desktop reviews. The study findings show that flooding in Mukuru kwa Reuben isn’t necessarily caused by heavy down pour of rainfall but ineffective structural and non-structural measures that if addressed can enhance the adaptive capacity of the community to flood risks. It was also evident that residents of Mukuru kwa Ruben have put more premium on structural adaptation measures that are externally facilitated to soft adaptation measures that can easily be conducted by the community members. Shortcomings in the legislation, policies and strategies on urban settlement flooding were highlighted and appropriate means to tighten the loose ends proposed. The study therefore recommends Integral community stakeholders should conduct mass sensitization on effective low cost adaptive strategies to floods in Mukuru kwa Ruben, form Mukuru kwa Ruben residents association so as to have a representative at the Nairobi disaster committee to represent their plight and relook implementation of flood management strategies especially in urban informal settlements.


Level: post-graduate

Type: dissertations

Year: 2021

Institution: University of Nairobi

Contributed by: olivia rose


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