the law of the world trade organization (ml7114) course outline-phiona mpanga & emmanuel bagenda makerere university school of law 2022


The Law of the World Trade Organization is the primary basis upon which trade in goods, services and intellectual property framework is carried out between States in a multilateral trading system. It covers the rights of governments to regulate such trade across borders. The WTO is therefore the most significant organization in economic globalization. The aim of the course is to give post graduate students a theoretical and practical understanding of the regulatory framework within which world trade occurs. The course will introduce students to the history of the WTO; basic principles of the WTO law and how it impacts and interacts with economic globalization. It explores questions of the purpose and functions of the WTO; the mechanisms available for trade negotiations; and the dispute settlement system. The course also facilitates engagement with the jurisprudence of the WTO. All this is undertaken with a view to appreciating how these different aspects of international trade policy and law, relate to developing countries, such as our own.


Level: post-graduate

Type: notes

Year: 2022


Contributed by: libraryadmin1@2022


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