determinants of utilization of postnatal care services among mothers attending young child clinic at kawaala health centre iv kampala district


Introduction: One indicator of the degree of public health in a country is the maternal mortality rate, the targets in the Sustainable Development Goals in 2030 is to reduce the maternal mortality rate to 70 per 100,000 live. However, in Uganda like any other sub-Saharan country has the least postnatal care coverage with 38.9% Bunyoro, 42.6% Ankole and Kampala 77% of the women having received postpartum care within the year. Therefore the purpose was to establish the determinants of utilization of postnatal care services among mothers attending YCC at Kawaala health centre IV Kampala district which will be used in empowering women with practices that will enable them to make informed decision Method: A descriptive cross-sectional study design was employed and a qualitative method of data collection was used. 30 respondents were selected by random sampling method. Data was collected using researcher administered questionnaire and analyzed using Microsoft excel and word. Results: individual determinants postnatal utilization included 19 (63.3%) aged between 26-34, 21 (70%) were married, , 18 (60%) were living in town however, All 30 (100%) religions were supporting utilization of postnatal services, socio economic determinants were 16 (53%) husbands were business men, though most 20 (66.7%) were able to get transport to health facility when sick, 21 (70%) had medical insurance and free obstetric services, facility determinants revealed 22 (73.3%) attended antenatal, 14 (70%) delivered from government facilities, 13 (65) attended to by the skilled medical personnel were not associated with utilization of postnatal Conclusions: Kawaala health centre IV has an important role to play in improving the utilization of post extraction care. This could be achieved through continuous health education on importance of utilizing postnatal service for better health of mother and baby.


Level: diploma

Type: dissertations

Year: 2022

Institution: Indian Institute of Health and allied sciences

Contributed by: libraryadmin1@2022


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