factors contributing to non adherence to antiretroviral therapy among hiv clients attending art clinic at ndejje health centre iv kampala district


Objective: To establish factors contributing to non-adherence to antiretroviral therapy (ART) among HIV infected clients attending ART clinic at Ndejje Health Centre IV. Method: This was a descriptive cross sectional study design involving 133 HIV infected respondents on ART. Respondents were sampled via systematic random method after acquisition of verbal consent. Data was collected using a semi structured and pre-coded researcher administered questionnaire. Data was entered in Epi-data v3.1 and then exported to Epi-Info v3.3.1 for statistical analysis at 95% confidence level using chi-square tests, fisher’s exact test and logistic regression analysis. Results were presented in a tabular and graphical form. Probability values less than 0.05 were considered statistically important Results: 53.4% of the respondents were females, 52.6% were of the age group 40-59 years, 50.4% were married, and37.6% had attained primary level of education. Only 63% of the respondents ‟were adherent to the prescribed ARVs. The most commonly cited factors for nona dherence to ART by the respondents were: long waiting hour sintheclinic14.3%, patient health worker relationship 9.1%, financial constraints, distance, & transport cost 8.3%, loosing appointments card5. 3%, 4.5% side effects of the drugs and patient health worker ratio. At bivariate level of analysis, tendency for respondents of or get medications wallowing (p<0,001), ARV related side effects (p=0.002), service pro-viderattitude (p=0.004) and routine HIV counseling (p=0.008) were significantly correlated with adherence. However, via multiple logistic regression analysis, forgetting to take ARVs (adjusted OR=42,95%CI:5-348,p<0.001)and experience of ARV related side effects(adjusted OR=4,95%CI: 1-12, p=0.01) were powerfully and significantly associated with non-adherence to ART. Conclusion: ARV related toxicities/side effects and patient tendency to forget medication swallowing remarkably accounted for non-adherence to ART among clients seeking comprehensive HIV care at ART clinic of Ndejje health centre iv Recommendation: Early detection, diagnosis and appropriate management of patient related ART side effects in combination with new treatment reminder strategies are highly required for patient ART adherence.


Level: diploma

Type: dissertations

Year: 2023


Contributed by: libraryadmin1@2022


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