assessment of the effect of grazing systems on cattle productivity in karamoja region, moroto district: a case study of rupa sub-county


This study was aimed finding out the effect of grazing systems on cattle productivity in Moroto District, Rupa Sub-county. Generally; more males were interviewed relative to the females since the males are the heads of families and make most of the decisions. Most of the respondents interviewed had no formal education. The main occupation of most of the respondents was livestock rearing and growing of crops. Most of the respondents reared cattle. Grazing distance had varying effects on calf mortality depending on the season. Results showed that, there was higher calf mortality (P˃0.05) while grazing in the wet season compared to grazing during the dry season (P˂0.05). Most respondents noted that calves are mixed with adult animals at ages between 12-24 months. There was no significant association (P˃0.05) between grazing hours and age at first calving. Most respondents noted that heifers which were grazed for more than four hours and for at least five hours during the wet season conceived normally relative to those grazed for similar durations during the dry season. Moreover, many respondents also noted that heifers which were grazed for more than six hours during the dry season had delayed age at first calving. Causes of delayed age at first calving included; failure of bulls to mount, heifer malnutrition, poor management and diseases. Different management practices were employed while caring for heifers including; supplementary feeding, mixing heifers with the main herd and grazing around homes. There was a highly significant association (P˂0.05) between the effect of dry season grazing reserves and parasite infestation in cattle. Most respondents noted that there was moderate parasite infestation in the dry season grazing reserves. Both endo-parasites and ecto-parasites were noted to be prevalent in the grazing reserves. The endo-parasites which were observed by respondents on the grazing reserves included; liverflukes and roundworms. The ecto-parasites which were observed by respondents included; ticks, lice, biting flies and mites. High parasite infestation on the dry season grazing reserves was attributed to such factors as; high stocking rate, favorable environmental conditions and parasitic lifestyle of endo-parasites and ecto-parsaites.


Level: post-graduate

Type: dissertations

Year: 2022


Contributed by: libraryadmin1@2022


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