factors influencing exclusive breast feeding among mothers in kisenyi village – rubaga division kampala


Globally only 35% of infants are breast feed within first hour after delivery and only 37% of newborn are exclusively breast feed up to 6 months (WHO, 2006). Sub- optimal breast feeding particularly non- exclusive breast feeding for the first six month after birth, leads to 1.4 million mortality and 10% of morbidity in children less than five years of age (WHO, 2010). The broad objective the study is to investigate factors influencing status exclusive breast feeding among mothers in kisenyi village – Rubaga division Kampala. The research is descriptive study cross-sectional design that employs both qualitative and quantitative method of data collection. All mothers of infants (0– 24 months) who consent to participate in the study and who were mentally sound were the primary target respondents. A sample size of 393 mothers was determined using Kish and Leslie formula and systematic sample method was used to enroll participants in to the study The proportion of mothers who breast feed their babies is high at 89% although, those who exclusively breast feed their babies in Kisenyi is very low at 22% which is much lower than the national prevalence of 60%. Most Majority of the study participants were youths between 15-35 years (86%). 63.6% of them reported to be married living with their partners or engaged in some form of relationship. There were more Christians (61.1%) than Muslims (38.9%). Majority were Ugandans and Somalis although there were also Kenyan, Congolese and Sudanese. The study concludes that prevalence of exclusive breastfeeding is generally low among mothers in Kisenyi. The most noteworthy factors that significantly associated with exclusive breastfeeding practice found in this study were socio- demographic factors; age of mother, marital status and occupation. The health service factors among breastfeeding education and place of delivery also influence breastfeeding. Likewise the other health factors like illnesses of the mother’s side and baby and nutritional factors. These findings suggest a need for a more extensive and comprehensive approach of breastfeeding education and especially of exclusive breastfeeding. The important issues that are related to infant feeding , that are brought up by this study, needs to be taken into account by implementers and policy makers for the purpose of accelerating exclusive breastfeeding practice mothers. However, since health workers are the sole supporters of infant feeding practices, in particular exclusive breastfeeding, capacity building should be done to ensure that they have current information and positive attitude towards EBF.


Level: under-graduate

Type: dissertations

Year: 2014


Contributed by: libraryadmin1@2022


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