the effectiveness of aqueous neem and gallic extract on the severity of early blight disease in tomato (solanum lycopersicum)


This study was conducted to compare effectiveness of aqueous neem and garlic plant extract on the severity of early blight (A. solani) on tomato (Solanum lycopersicum) plant production. Aqueous plant extract of neem and garlic were prepared by; 500g fresh neem leaves in 2 litres and 500g of garlic were ground and mixed with 2 litres of warm water and 5ml of vegetable oil for 24 hours. The oil was added to enhance the solubility of capsaicin. The extract was fermented for 18-48 hours. Treatment tests solutions varied were 250g of neem+ 250g of garlic, 500g of neem and 500g of garlic of the extract respectively in 2 litres of water and applied to tomato in the field at intervals of once a week and twice a week depending on the rain interval in a riplicated Randomized Complete Block Design (RCBD). The treated plants were observed for average plant vigor, infestation rate of A. solani, degree of leaf perforation, leaf curls, stunting, and finally the yield of the tomato for all treatments. Data collection was done at 2, 4, 6 and 8 weeks after two weeks after transplanting on the plant agronomic traits (plant vigor), severity of A. solani, incidence level of A. solani, and 9,10,11 and 12 weeks for yields (number of fruits, fruits weight). The result was analyzed using GenStat software 14th edition. Combination of neem and garlic at concentration of 500ml (250g of neem+ 250g of garlic) in 2L of water were significantly lower for A. solani infestation and higher effective control with (P < 0.001), Although all treatments revealed significant differences from the control in terms of A. solani severity, overall mean infestation rate showed a reduction in A. solani infestation with an increase in the time of application of 250g of neem+ 250g of garlic in 2L of water applied and tomato vigour increased with increase in the frequency of application. Therefore 250g of neem+ 250g of garlic in 2L of water was more effectively controlled A. solani in tomato. Combination of Aqueous neem and garlic extract treatment produced better results in terms of plant vigor with the mean value of 4.100. Severity of Alternaria solani with mean value of 0.567, incidence level of Alternaria solani with mean value 13.31% on the plant and yield of tomato (i.e. 10.67t/ha) in season two, followed by neem plant extract, Garlic performed poorly in the experiment while control was observed to produce least result. It is therefore recommendable that smallholder farmers should take advantage of the naturally available Neem tree and garlic at a concoctions of 250g and 250g respectively in 2 litres of water twice a week to keep effectively control A. solani in tomato plant production for better yields and nature conservation from pollution.


Level: under-graduate

Type: dissertations

Year: 2020


Contributed by: libraryadmin1@2022


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