effect of cooperative learning method on achievement of pre-schoolers’ competences in mathematical concepts in kirinyaga county, kenya


The Cooperative Learning Method (CLM) is a teaching method in which small groups of learners with varying degrees of ability work collaboratively on carefully devised tasks using a range of learning activities designed to ensure knowledge construction and competence. The purpose of this study was to explore effect of CLM on the achievement of competences in mathematical concepts in pre-school learners in Kirinyaga County, Kenya. Drawing on Piaget and Vygotsky’s cognitive development theory, Bandura’s behavioural learning theory and Johnson and Johnson’s social interdependence theory, the study was undertaken to establish the difference between groups of pre-school learners, firstly in the mean score index of those taught using CLM compared to those not taught by this method; and secondly, the difference in mean score index of pre-school learners taught by teachers with a favourable attitude to CLM compared to those whose teachers had a negative attitude to it. The study also sought to assess the difference in mean score index between pre-school learners with a favourable attitude to CLM and those whose attitude was unfavourable. Correlational and comparative research designs were applied to ascertain the existing differences in acquisition of mathematical concepts competences by pre-schoolers and in establishing the relationships between variables when using CLM in comparison with traditional teaching methods without manipulating those variables. The unit of sampling was pre-schools; and stratified and proportionate sampling procedures were used to determine sample size. Teacher and learner respondents’ sample sizes were derived using purposive sampling on the basis of the preschools sampled. This procedure led to a sample size of 20 pre-school teachers and 639 PrePrimary Two learners from twenty pre-schools out of the five sub-counties of Kirinyaga County. The key data collection instruments from the respondents in the study were: an observation schedule, a documentary analysis guide, a teacher questionnaire and a mathematical concepts competences achievement test. Descriptive and inferential statistics were used to analyse the data collected. The key findings were that learners taught using CLM achieved higher mean score indices than those who were not. Comparatively, the learners whose teachers had a favourable attitude towards CLM registered higher mean score indices than those whose teachers were unfavourable towards it. Learners who were favourable towards CLM achieved higher mean score indices than those with a negative attitude towards it. Among the recommendations from the study are the development of Ministry of Education policies and programmes to provide regular in-service training, in which CLM training forms a key part of the agenda, to refresh the mathematical concepts competences instructional skills of pre-school teachers; along with the restructuring of teacher training programmes to ensure that, in addition to other methods for teaching mathematical concepts competences, trainee teachers are able to embed CLM effectively into their delivery of learning in the classroom.


Level: post-graduate

Type: dissertations

Year: 2022


Contributed by: nkwanzi shibba bariyo


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