appraising of staff and performance of commercial banks in uganda; a case of centenary bank, entebbe road branch


The study is about appraising of staff and performance of Centenary Bank, Entebbe Road Branch. The study was guided by the following objectives; 1) To examine how appraisal performance standards have influenced efficiency and effectiveness in Centenary Bank, Entebbe Road Branch.2)To establish how appraisal performance measurement has affected Accountability in Centenary Bank, Entebbe Road Branch.3)To examine how employee appraisal feedback has enhanced Customer satisfaction in Centenary Bank, Entebbe Road Branch. The research design used was cross sectional survey design. A sample of 66 respondents from Centenary Bank, Entebbe Road Branch was used. The methodology used in this study was both qualitative and quantitative. The questionnaire and interview guide were the main instruments of data collection. According to the study, appraising staff as a process helped to identify, observe, measure and develop human performance in the bank since it makes an important contribution to effective human resource management and interlinked to the bank’s performance. From the study, it was found out that the performance standards for the various departments are in tandem with strategic objectives which revolve around having the most flexible banking services in Uganda by putting in place fair and flexible credit management regime, ensuring that financial transactions are well monitored and handled in time, ensuring that the human resources deliver in the best way for the success of the business, the transactions are well audited to ensure compliance and a couple of other strategic objectives. From the study, it was agreed that when Performance measurement system is rightly done, determining the individual human resource competence at work by measuring their performance against the established yardstick with the expected level of output enables the management to set attainable targets in the given period of time. The study recommended the need to ensure that fairness is maintained in the appraisal process so that the necessary trust and cooperation will be forthcoming from staff. Further, there is the need to ensure regular feedback. Failure to do this could affect staff interest in the process, as much as possible feedback should be given to staff on their performance.


Level: post-graduate

Type: dissertations

Year: 2018


Contributed by: libraryadmin1@2022


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