corporate governance and organisational performance of barclays bank uganda: a case study of barclays bank, kampala road branch


This Study is about the contribution of Corporate Governance and Organizational Performance of Barclays Bank Uganda: A case study of Barclays Bank, Kampala Road Branch. The Study was based on the following objectives; 1) To examine how Barclays Bank has established Board Audit Committee to oversee the Performance and effectiveness of its Internal and External Auditors; 2) To examine how Barclays Bank has established Accountability to achieve the highest standards of Performance and deliver value for its customers and clients; 3) To find out how Barclays Bank has established Separation of Ownership to enhance Performance. A sample of 66 respondents was used. The Study used a descriptive and cross sectional Research Design. Interviewing and documentary review were Data collection methods used while questionnaires and interview guides were used as the main Data collection instruments. Data was analysed using descriptive statistics, Pearson product moment correlation, multiple regression analysis, and analysis of variance (ANOVA). The results of the Study revealed that: Audit Committees and Performance are significantly related that Audit Committees contributed 73.2% to Performance of Barclays Bank Kampala Road Branch; there is a significant relationship between Accountability and Performance of Barclays Bank Kampala Road Branch contribute 78.2%and; Separation of Ownership strongly influences Performance of Barclays Bank Kampala Road Branch contributed 62.1%. It was recommended that; i) Audit Committees should be strengthened and members should devote more time and commitment to perform their oversight function and appointment to the Committee should be based on technical competency of the members ii) Regulators and Board should ensure enhanced Accountability that is, transparency and disclosure for effective market discipline in accordance with professional best practices iii) Shareholders interference with the work of Directors should be minimized as much as possible. The Study makes an original contribution by suggesting that there is a strong positive relationship between Corporate Governance and Organizational Performance of Barclays Bank Kampala Road Branch.


Level: post-graduate

Type: dissertations

Year: 2018


Contributed by: libraryadmin1@2022


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