attitude to work among health employees and service delivery: a case of masaka regional referral hospital, uganda


The study was set out to find out attitude to work among health employees and service delivery in Uganda; a few studies in the past have been made to determine the impact of attitude to work. This study adopted a case study design. The sample size for the study was 169 respondents out of a population of 300 staff. Using a combination of purposive and simple random sampling techniques, Primary data was collected from a sample of 169 staff of Masaka Regional Referral Hospital. Respondents were selected from each category of doctors, hospital administrators and nurses by looking at the total number (300) (Krejcie and Morgan, 1970); and the percentages in each group were calculated. Standardized questionnaires for the respondents were administered by the researcher using face-to-face interviews to collect data which was later used for analysis using SPSS. According to the findings, the cost of services at the hospital is affordable. However,drugs are not always available at the hospital. Better salaries, motivation and enough staffing were some of the examples most given as likely to lead to positive attitude towards work. The negative attitude was attributed to, among others, low salaries, heavy workload, tribalism and nepotism, lack of appreciation, poor motivation and poor leadership and management. There should be interventions to decrease heavy workload, tribalism, nepotism, lack of appreciation, poor motivation and poor leadership and management. The study recommended that there is need to increase salaries, appreciation from the public and government, good leadership and management which would lead to positive attitude towards work. There is need to disseminate information to stakeholders to increase awareness of the factors affecting attitude to work among health employees and its impact on service delivery.


Level: post-graduate

Type: dissertations

Year: 2018


Contributed by: libraryadmin1@2022


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