factors influencing performance of nurses and midwives in mbale regional referral hospital-mbale uganda


A study on factors influencing the performance of nurses and midwives in Mbale Regional Referral Hospital was carried out in Mbale District. The objective of the study was to establish the factors influencing the performance of nurses and midwives of Mbale Regional Referral Hospital. The study employed a descriptive cross sectional study design and the study population was the nurses and midwives in Mbale Regional Referral Hospital. The study results established majority of workers as nurses and midwives and are not accommodated. Results also revealed that lack of protective gear, inadequate communication system, overwhelming number of patients, led to inadequate performance of nurses and midwives that was made worse by inadequate supervision. These were negative factors however nurses and midwives are encouraged to perform as they had available post exposure prophylaxis, guidance forms for duty and leave roster and the welfare especially when they lose relatives. The working environment coupled with short supply of equipment, sundries, medicine and space compromise performance of the nurses and midwives. Irregular supervision and motivation, appraisal feedback and timing of activities had negative influence on the nurses and midwives performance .Working relationship and lack of appropriate job description were found to have negative influence on performance. Improve on nurses conditions of service that affect their attitude to perform adequately like their confirmation and promotion which administration can influence. The research recommends that there is need to motivation of nurses and midwives, by providing enough resources to let them perform the duties. Internal support supervision is very crucial to monitor performance of nurses and midwives There is need to provide protective gear to ensure that nurses and midwives are not at risk of being infections. There is also need to do ward rounds appropriately and on time to give the nurses and midwives ample time to do the rest of the nursing care. The study limitations were time not being enough to cover a larger population and funding was inadequate for the study.


Level: post-graduate

Type: dissertations

Year: 2012


Contributed by: libraryadmin1@2022


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