the effects of training on performance of local government employees in uganda: a case study of katabi town council, wakiso district


Katabi Town Council has been experiencing an increasing poor performance of government employees. In 2013-2014, the poor performance of government workers was 37.8% and in 2015-2016 poor performance increased to 43.5%. This shows that poor performance of government employees in Katabi Town has been increasing tremendously (Katabi Town Council Information Office). Basing on statement of the problem, the study aimed at finding out the effects of training on performance of government employees. A case study of Katabi Town Council Wakiso District, Uganda. The objectives of the study were; to find out how professional development contribute to the performance of government employees in Katabi Town Council Uganda, to find out how on-the-job-training lead to performance of government employees in Katabi Town Council, Uganda and to find out how work ethics contribute to the performance of government employees in Katabi Town Council, Uganda. Data was collected using a self-administered questionnaire which was designed by the researcher will the guidance of the research supervisor and the researcher used case study research designs. ‘Findings on showed professional training, on the job training as well as organizing seminars and workshops would enhance performance as employees would deliver quality reports on time and come early for work in Katabi Town Council. The challenge however is that these training opportunities are selectively offered. The recommendations of the study were providing an opportunity for government workers to go for further studies, encouraging on-the-job-training, provision of small loans to government employees for self-development, organizing seminars and workshops to enable government worker acquire more knowledge.


Level: under-graduate

Type: dissertations

Year: 2018


Contributed by: libraryadmin1@2022


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