the effects of divorce on christian children's social behavoir in yambio county, western equatoria state - south sudan


This dissertation assessed the effects of Divorce on Christian children Social behaviors a case study in Yambio County and also library research too. It majorly composed of targeting the Government authority, Church leaders‟ elders, local community leaders and NGOs who represented the entire population. The findings of this study revealed according to the objective one that, the causes of Divorce, government authority are not exercise its policies‟ and Law measures to restrict by not allow illegal/legal divorce certificate or demand a lot and charges in order to discourage divorces among marriage people in the community. The challenge the researcher found on ground was government authority are the very one assuring legal divorce certificate this motivate couples not value marriage union, Church leaders are not active in rebuilding their Christians with deepest understanding enough of biblical respond for important marriage union to the will of God and how God hate divorce for marriage couple with all this most of people doesn‟t have strong foundation for the purpose of marriage, Churches leaders, government leaders, Community leaders and NGOs are not coordinating among themselves to do more research and come up with good strategical policy that will minimize high rate of divorce in Yambio. According to the objective two of this study it finds that, the effects of divorce on children social behaviors, leads to psychological behaviors, Education problems, Emotional Trauma and prone to social behavior problems, this come as result of parents divorce lack of trustworthiness in marriage and important of children life, the study suggests measures to be taken to improve on Cause and effects of divorce on children social behaviors, Church leaders should imitate Christ‟s model of marriage union, government should restrict law, conditions and charge against any divorce to discourage habit of divorce, NGOs to rebuild more awareness and training to people on how children life‟s are important to God and nation. Hence it was so motivated that, the respondents were energetic as they expressed their concepts on cause and effects of divorce and this brings to one‟s mind that the children are going under chaotic life crisis, It finally recommends that, since divorce is a global problem, it is highly recommended that, parents are need to be sensitized, trained and modeled to be good parents to maintain hard life for children and this should continue to support future life of children so all parents should keep the marriage permanent and stable. This study recommends further study on various approaches to divorce children and as well as parents.


Level: under-graduate

Type: dissertations

Year: 2021


Contributed by: libraryadmin1@2022


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