prevalence of malnutrition and associated factors among children under five years in bwyale refugee settlement camp kiryandongo


Malnutrition refers to deficiencies, excesses or imbalance in person’s intake of energy and nutrients. Malnutrition is a challenge in Uganda especially west Nile regions that is considered as a humanitarian setting hosting refugees from Congo and south sudan has the highest report of moderate acute malnutrition and severe acute malnutrion in the country at 10.4% and 5.6%.(UNAP) Contributing factors to malnutrion in Bweyale include land and crop degradation, droughts, poverty, limited access to basic food staples essential services, illnesses access to clean water and inadequate child feeding practices inadequate maternal care, luck of balance diet, alcohol consumption (UNICEF) The effects of malnutrition on the health of children under 5 years in Bweyale includes poor wound healing, sarcopenia, cachexia, organ failures like kidney and brain, reproduction failure weight loss and death, furthermore it indicates that malnutrition also affect children’s academic performance and attainment it also lowers resistance to infections and diseases and death throughout their lives the study suggest/ recommend various interventions to prevent malnutrition among children under five in Bweyale refugee camp that include breastfeeding in the first six month of life makes children healthier, and also breastfeeding in first hour of life is vital to the survival of children, solid foods and mother’s milk after six month of age also helps children or infants grow quickly and strong, good hygiene and clean hands keep young children healthy and strong, irons and vitamin A supplements and deworming is another intervention that helps prevent diseases and anemia, improve adolescent and girls nutrition is a key aspect in prevention of malnutrition in women and their children healthy eating, better nutrition and bringing girls health into focus is also an important aspect and also eradicating bad cultural perspectives on food is key and provision of economic activities to women at the refugee camp is key in prevention of malnutrition


Level: under-graduate

Type: dissertations

Year: 2021


Contributed by: libraryadmin1@2022


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