factors contributing to the prevalence of pneumonia among children below five years at buwambo health centre iv in wakiso district


Introduction: This study was part of studies aimed at assess risk factors associated with low birth weight among teenage mothers at Buwambo Health Centre IV with the purpose to generate possible interventions to reduce on Low birth weight. This study aimed at establishing the knowledge, attitude and practices associated with low birth weight among teenage mothers at Buwambo Health Centre IV Methodology: This study used a descriptive cross-sectional study design and employed both quantitative and qualitative approaches of data collection. This was a cross sectional study design that used quantitative methodology on a sample of 30 teen mothers who delivered low birth weight babies who were purposively selected to participate in the study. A questionnaire was designed. Data was analysed manually and presented using percentages, figures and tables. Results: The findings of this study revealed that, (93%) were females, (60%) were in the age bracket of 16 years – 19 year, (53%) attained the primary level of education, (87%) were not married, and (77%) were unemployed. The study demonstrated prevalence of low birth weight babies was 100% among women attending at Buwambo Health Centre IV ; maternal morbidity factors: maternal illness during pregnancy (97%); maternal nutritional factors: pregnant mothers having less than 2 meals a day (63%) and lack of folic acid supplement during pregnancy (67%). Conclusion: This study was conducted at the OPD clinic of Buwambo Health Centre IV and the findings of this study revealed prevalence of low birth weight babies was 100% among women attending at Buwambo Health Centre IV (100%); maternal morbidity factors: maternal illness during pregnancy; maternal nutritional factors: pregnant mothers having less than 2 meals a day and lack of folic acid supplement during pregnancy.


Level: diploma

Type: dissertations

Year: 2023


Contributed by: libraryadmin1@2022


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